The wealth discrepancy around the world is getting worse and worse. Rich people abusing their power.

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Because the Democrats of our time are experts in hypocrisy.

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The powers that be do not want regional self rule. They want to globally call the shots every where for everybody, but they can't handle the diversity because they can not manage it the way they want to. So what we are experiencing is a culling which began with covid. With trump going to jail they were winning with him in office they think they are winning. The oval office is one of the most secure places in the world, so let me just put it out there. We are slowly being held hostage by a convicted felon, who at the same time is in a strange kind of prison. It's like just when you thought you got them, they got you. As far as I am concerned it's game theory practiced in by challenged people in challenging times. Be vigilant. Pay attention to whats important. Save what's worth saving and it's different for everyone. Nuff said.

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Thank you, that is absolutely, what we all said would happen. In some capacity, or another.

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Thanks so much for checking out and for your kind words, much appreciated!

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Agreed. It seems none of the inatitutions expected any real oversight or growth or scalability.

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exactly, I guess that is one of things I am hung up on, we seem to think these sorts of political institutions are infinitely scalable, and that just does not seem to be the case.

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The IDU has been at it since 1980’s..

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It’s inevitable per history. A country run by the uneducated always breaks down. Looks at Greece, the Roman Empire. USA is a Republic.

US people do NOT vote as a democracy on US laws. Instead, they only vote for candidates one then votes on our behalf. Never has there been an opportunity on a US ballot to vote democratically on any US law. The act of voting for legislators who vote for us as a group not as individuals is the only democratic act voters make.

States do give their local voters right to vote democratically on some laws, but US govt doesn’t. USA is a Republic of different State leaders who vote for their constituents. Americans suffer from misunderstanding they have power over US law making. They lack rudimentary context of why they were denied ability to have a democratic vote in federal matters.

The framers knew voters were not adequately educated in US govt matters, on political matters, so they refused to give Americans a democratic vote on all US matters except to vote for who would vote in their behalf. The framers knew the populous was too business raising families, farming, working to become experts in govt matters. So they only permitted Americans to vote for legislators and a Pres to give their proxy vote in all matters. This is to remedy the errors of all prior failed democracies where govts let the masses vote on all matters.

A Democracy is like a high school election where candidates offer free ice cream every day. The less educated go that line of free ice cream. Yet it never happens. They are impressed with words not actions. So US framers didn’t want USA Republic ti fail like Greece and Roman Empire did with a Democracy.

A Republic is different Ststes with different values, different needs giving their voting rights in govt matters as a proxy to several legislators and a Pres to vote for their interests. The theory is those elected would best be educated and have time to focus on educating themselves in detail in all govt matters to vote on behalf of people’ different interests in the different States.

It’s a sad reflection on govt run public education that most Americans don’t know this. It’s intentional so the less educated public don’t realize it’s a Republic not a Democracy with the right to vote who they give their proxy votes for democratically.

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Thanks for the comment, I agree that as envisaged by the framers, the US was structured as a 'constrained' aristocracy as the House of Rep was the only part of the fed govt directly elected. At the same time, clearly the framers felt that women and Black Americans should not be permitted even the veneer of empowerment vis a vis voting and the concerted, often violent, effort to prevent Blacks from voting (in the North and South) after the Civil War makes it clear that 'some' people found even this 'facade ' of empowerment politically threatening. As the piece notes, a lot of social history for the last 200 years (in the US and elsewhere) has been a struggle over not only who has a right to vote but who is a citizen in the first place. On that note, even if we accept the republic not democracy view, a republic is defined as a collective of fundamentally equal citizens qua citizens. From that perspective one could argue that a commitment to genuine republicanism entails even more radical/emancipatory potentiality than democracy. Thanks again for the comment!

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Because Western democracies start and end with free election and people are starting to wake up to the fact democracy is nothing more than communism with the right to elect fake gods.

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I always appreciated Hobbes' description of the state as a mortal god, not my view, but I appreciate his candor at least!

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It’s time for World-Devouring Snake to eat

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if it eats too much of the human stuff it may wind up quite sick!

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Hmmm, the snake will even devour itself if it forgets it’s tail is not prey.

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